- enlargement print
- увеличенный снимок
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
Enlargement print — Увеличенный фотоотпечаток … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Enlargement — * Enlargement of the European Union is the political process for integrating countries into the European Union. * Homothety is a mathematical function for increasing distances and volumes. * Enlargement (in fiction) is a theme in fiction,… … Wikipedia
enlargement — ► NOUN 1) the action of enlarging or the state of being enlarged. 2) a photograph that is larger than the original negative or than an earlier print … English terms dictionary
print — Synonyms and related words: Ditto copy, Photostat, Xerox, Xerox copy, abstract, abstraction, altarpiece, alveolation, alveolus, aquatint, ascender, autolithograph, back, backlash, backwash, bastard type, be a printmaker, beard, bed, belly, bevel … Moby Thesaurus
print — 1. verb 1) when was the book printed? Syn: publish, issue, release, circulate, run off, copy, reproduce 2) patterns were printed on the cloth Syn: imprint, impress, stamp, mar … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
enlargement — Synonyms and related words: Ditto copy, Photostat, Xerox, Xerox copy, access, accession, accomplishment, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, adjunct, advance, advancement, aggrandizement, aggravation, ampliation, amplification … Moby Thesaurus
enlargement — noun Date: 1540 1. an act or instance of enlarging ; the state of being enlarged 2. a photographic print larger than the negative that is made by projecting the negative image through a lens onto a photographic printing surface … New Collegiate Dictionary
enlargement — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Growth or extension] Syn. augmentation, amplification, expansion; see increase 1 . 2. [An enlarged photograph] Syn. blowup, enlarged print, view; see photograph , picture 2 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. increase,… … English dictionary for students
enlargement — A print that is larger than the negative or slide; a blowup … Forensic science glossary
enlargement — noun the action or state of enlarging or being enlarged. ↘a photograph that is larger than the original negative or than an earlier print … English new terms dictionary
enlargement — n 1. increase, increment, augmentation, supplementation; multiplication, doubling, tripling, trebling, quadrupling; amplification, magnification, aggrandizement, Archaic. ampliation; expansion, extension, distension, inflation, blowing up, swell … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder